Our Mission
The Haven Hub is a non-profit organisation that advocates for mental health wellness by empowering people to take control over their own mental health. We do this by offering a range of mental health awareness programs, wellbeing programs, 1:1 counselling, support groups, corporate training as well as peer support and suicide prevention through our crisis cafes in Limerick & Ennis.
Our Vision
At the Haven Hub, our vision is that when people are struggling to cope with their mental health, together with people at risk of suicide, they will have a safe support service where they can access help at any hour of the day. This support service will be created with the building blocks of understanding, compassion, hope, plus the tools to empower them to stay safe, resist suicide and recover to wellbeing.
Our Objectives
To provide support and help by:
Delivering best in class mental health awareness courses with the ultimate aim of preventing crisis in a person. Where crisis does occur, we aim to offer a safe place for people who are emotionally distressed where they can get proper peer-led support.
Our Values & Principles
We operate by the values and principles of Respect, Person Centred Care, Best Practices in Good Corporate Governance and the Safety of Service Users and Volunteers. We achieve this by using a Collaborative Approach in the organisations we work with.
Our Goals
- To increase the accessibility of our Service.
- Advocate for an improvement in the Midwest HSE services for people at risk or suicide and their families.
- Prioritise Good Corporate Governance throughout the organisation.
- Collaborate with all stakeholders and related services.
- To increase awareness of the public with regard to Suicide Prevention and support organisations available for those at risk of suicide.
- Establish an effective and consistent approach to Training.
To find out more about our goals, please click the button below.